Z-Score Calculator

Raw Score (x)
Population Mean (μ)
Standard Deviation (σ)
Left Bound (z1)
Right Bound (z2)
Probability of x<5
Probability of x>5
Probability of 3<x<5
P(x<-Z or x>Z)
P(x<-1 or x>0)

Z-Score Calculator enables you to calculate the z-score for a given normal distribution, facilitating conversions between z-scores and probabilities, as well as determining the probability of values occurring between two specified z-scores.

Base Converter supports arbitrary conversions between 2 and 36 bases, and also supports floating-point types conversion.

Base Converter

Base Converter supports arbitrary conversions between 2 and 36 bases, and also supports floating-point types conversion.
Twin Calculators (Twofold Calculators), which combines two calculators into one, and the calculation result can be copied and pasted between the two calculators with one click.

Twin Calculators

Twin Calculators (Twofold Calculators), which combines two calculators into one, and the calculation result can be copied and pasted between the two calculators with one click.
Perimeter Calculator supports perimeter calculations for common geometric figures such as Circular, Sector, Ellipse, Triangle, Square, Rectangle, and Parallelogram.  You can use different formulas and methods to calculate the perimeter of these geometric figures depending on the shape and the given information.

Perimeter Calculator

Perimeter Calculator supports perimeter calculations for common geometric figures such as Circular, Sector, Ellipse, Triangle, Square, Rectangle, and Parallelogram. You can use different formulas and methods to calculate the perimeter of these geometric figures depending on the shape and the given information.
Area Calculator supports area calculations for common geometric figures such as Circular, Sector, Ring, Ellipse, Triangle, Square, Rectangle, Parallelogram and Trapezoid.

Area Calculator

Area Calculator supports area calculations for common geometric figures such as Circular, Sector, Ring, Ellipse, Triangle, Square, Rectangle, Parallelogram and Trapezoid.