Ratio Calculator is a free online tool that helps you to find the ratio of two or more numbers, simplify a ratio to its lowest terms, convert a ratio to a fraction, find equivalent ratios, and solve ratio word problems. Ratio Calculator can also help you to calculate the proportion of two quantities, the aspect ratio of a shape or an image, the cross multiplication of two fractions, and the golden ratio of a line segment.
Ratio Calculator can be useful for many purposes, such as:
Comparing quantities, measurements, or values
Scaling up or down a recipe, a map, or a model
Finding the missing term or the constant of variation in a proportion
Finding the point that divides a line segment in a given ratio
Applying the golden ratio to design, art, or architecture
To use this ratio calculator, you need to enter the numbers that you want to calculate in the appropriate fields and click on the calculate button. The ratio calculator will show you the results for each calculation. You can also adjust the decimal places and the rounding mode of the results according to your preference.