Polybius Square Cipher


Polybius Square Cipher is essentially identical to the simple substitution cipher, except that each plaintext character is enciphered as 2 ciphertext characters. It can ususally be detected if there are only 5 or 6 different characters in the ciphertext. [Wikipedia]

This algorithm offers very little communication security, and can be easily broken even by hand, especially as the messages become longer (more than several hundred ciphertext characters).

Random Password & Key Generator offers a variety of randomly generated keys and passwords that you can use to secure any application, service, or device.

Random Password & Key Generator

Random Password & Key Generator offers a variety of randomly generated keys and passwords that you can use to secure any application, service, or device.
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Link Lock

Link Lock is an online encrypting and decrypting tool for adding a password to a link or a web page; in other words, for encrypting and decrypting URLs. When a user visits an encrypted URL, they will be prompted to enter a password.
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Cetacean Cipher is an interesting encryption algorithm that it can converts any input into

Cetacean Cipher

Cetacean Cipher is an interesting encryption algorithm that it can converts any input into "Cetacean Language".