Barcode Generator

Bar Width
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Line Color
Background Color
Show Text
Text Align
Left Center Right
Font Options
Bold Italic
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Text Margin

Barcode Generator is a free online tool that allows you to create and customize barcodes for various purposes and generating high-quality barcodes that can be printed and scanned easily.

Barcode is one-dimensional symbols that can store different types of information, such as product codes, serial numbers, inventory data, and more. They can be scanned by barcode readers and other devices to access the encoded data.

This Barcode Generator offer many features and benefits for users who want to create labels, tags, stickers, and cards with barcodes. The features include:

  • Choosing from different barcode symbologies, such as Code 39, Code 128, EAN, UPC, and more.

  • Adjusting the size, bar width, bar height, margin, line color, background color, adding text and adjusting align, font, margin of the text.

  • Downloading the barcode as an image.

You can use this Barcode Generator to create your own barcode in a few simple steps and use it in your applications and websites. Whether you want to label your products, track your inventory, or manage your data, a Bar Code Generator can help you achieve your goals.

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