Factorial Calculator

Number (n)

What is the "Factorial"?

The factorial is a mathematical operation that involves multiplying a given positive integer by every positive integer less than it down to 1. It is denoted by the symbol "!" after the number.

The factorial formula is: n! = 1×2×3×4×...×n
For example:
       3! = 1×2×3 = 6
       4! = 1×2×3×4 = 24
       5! = 1×2×3×4×5 = 120

The concept of factorials is widely used in various areas of mathematics, including combinatorics, algebra, probability theory, and statistics. Factorials are particularly useful when calculating permutations, combinations, and probabilities involving sequences of events.

Factorial Calculator is a free math calculator to compute the factorial of a given non-negative integer efficiently. It simplifies the process of finding the product of all positive integers up to a specified number, making it particularly useful for students, mathematicians, and anyone involved in statistical analysis or combinatorial problems. With just input your desired number and instantly obtain the factorial result, saving time and effort compared to manual calculations.

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