Significant Figures Calculator

Significant Figures

Significant Figures Calculator rounds numbers to the specified number of significant figures. It supports standard number format, e-notation, and scientific notation.

In mathematics and science, "Significant Figures" (often abbreviated as "sig figs") refer to the digits in a number that carry meaningful information about its precision. They are crucial for accurately representing the precision of measurements and calculations. Here are the rules and examples related to significant figures:


  1. Non-zero digits: All non-zero digits are significant.

    Example: 1234 has 4 significant figures.

  2. Zeros between non-zero digits: Zeros that are between non-zero digits are significant.

    Example: 1002 has 4 significant figures.

  3. Leading zeros: Zeros that precede all non-zero digits are not significant. They are only placeholders.

    Example: 0.00456 has 3 significant figures.

  4. Trailing zeros in a decimal number: Zeros at the end of a number and to the right of a decimal point are significant.

    Example: 2.300 has 4 significant figures.

  5. Trailing zeros in a whole number with a decimal point: If a number ends in zeros to the left of the decimal point, those zeros are significant if the number has a decimal point.

    Example: 2500. has 4 significant figures.


  • 2500 has 2 significant figures (assuming the zeros are placeholders and not measured).

  • 2500. has 4 significant figures (the decimal point indicates the zeros are significant).

  • 0.0450 has 3 significant figures (leading zeros are not significant, but the trailing zero is).


Significant figures are used to express the precision of measurements. For instance, if you measure a length as 3.45 meters, it implies that your measurement is precise to three significant figures, reflecting the precision of the measuring instrument.

When performing calculations, the rules of significant figures help ensure that the results reflect the appropriate level of precision:

  • Addition and Subtraction: The result should have the same number of decimal places as the measurement with the fewest decimal places.

  • Multiplication and Division: The result should have the same number of significant figures as the measurement with the fewest significant figures.


The concept of significant figures is vital in scientific reporting and data analysis, ensuring that the precision and uncertainty of measurements and results are properly conveyed. This prevents the overstatement of the precision of calculated values and helps maintain consistency and accuracy in scientific communication.

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